The Linden Review to host
Issue Four Launch Party

The Linden Review is hosting a virtual launch party event to celebrate the publication of its upcoming third issue with readings by Kathleen Watt, Eileen Vorbach Collins, and Amber Stewart. The event will take place on Dec 7, 2023, at 7:00pm CDT via Zoom and is FREE to attend. Full event info is available at this link, where attendees can acquire a ticket granting them access to the reading.

Kathleen Watt sang principal roles with Boston Lyric Opera, Utah Opera Company, Springfield Regional Opera, and others, and in the Extra Chorus of New York’s Metropolitan Opera, before her singing career was summarily ended by osteogenic sarcoma (bone cancer) in her face.

Since retiring from performing, she has written frequently on performing arts and cultural issues, including features, profiles, and essays. As a writer and cancer survivor, Kathleen has collaborated with doctors and artists on a range of projects, including an appearance on a BBC-4 series about facial disfigurement.

Formerly an assistant art director in publishing, Kathleen attended Rhode Island School of Design, Brown University, and Brigham Young University (earning a double BFA), with postgraduate studies in opera performance at Boston University.

Kathleen now writes from a windswept hay farm in the Catskill Mountains of New York, where she resides with her partner, ten chickens, three dogs, and on occasion, her two grown stepchildren.

Eileen Vorbach Collins writes true stories she wished were fiction and fairy tales she wishes were true. She is the author of the award-winning essay collection, Love in the Archives: A Patchwork of True Stories About Suicide Loss, Apprentice House Press, 2023.

Amber Stewart is an essayist and poet in transit. Born and raised in Tennessee, she and her wife are in the process of moving to Montevideo, Uruguay. She is currently working on a book on leaving, loss, and finding home.